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The petals are cut from thick or double white wax. Place a piece of fine

white wire half way up each, and secure it to its position by placing a

narrow strip of white wax upon the same, rolling it down each edge with

the head of the smallest pin. Colour them from the centre to the point

with bright purple (second blue and bright crimson), the large brush to

be used, (see my
irections, p. 13.) The small petals are cupped by

laying each in the palm of the left hand, and pressing it firmly with

the thumb of the right hand. The large or outside petals are curled in

the same manner, but the points turned back. The centre or foundation is

formed by passing two strips of double pink wax round the end of a

strong wire, (care must be taken at all times to double the wire down to

prevent its slipping;) mould the same to a point, leaving it broad at

the lower end; indent it strongly round with the curling pin; colour

this half way down with dark or black-looking purple, (dark blue and


The stamina are also formed from pink wax: first roll a whip (as in

muslin) which produces the anthers, and cut a fringe the third of an

inch deep. Wind the same around the previously formed centre, and then

brush them out with the dark purple brush that has been applied to the

foundation. When thoroughly dry, touch the ends occasionally with green;

this must be done with the sable brush. At the back of the pulp first

formed, close to the wire, affix the small petals at equal distance, and

the large ones, which turn back, in the intervening spaces. When the

anemone is in bud, it is surrounded by a calyx, but as it expands it

rises and leaves the said calyx at least one inch down the stem; it has

a fringed appearance, and is prepared from double green wax. The stem is

covered neatly with light green wax.

The anemones grow in great variety of colour, but this instruction, as

to form and centre, is applicable to all. The brilliant scarlet and

purple, contrasted with the pink, lemon, and white, form a pretty group

by themselves.

