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(LATIFOLIA.) Combination.

"Ye flowers of beauty, pencilled by the hand of God!"


The corolla is in one piece, having five points. It requires to be cut

in thick wax. Press the finger in the centre, and pinch up each point,

bending the same towards the centre. A double piece of wax, cut in

points, is placed at the back; press the two firm
y together, and make a

hole in the centre with the large pin. Paint in the corolla a small

circle of crimson points, using for this purpose a sable brush. Cover a

piece of fine wire two inches in length; mould to the end a small piece

of double green wax, making it quite round. The pistil is affixed to

this, and is formed by rolling the edge of the wax (as a whip in

muslin), and cutting it fine, as previously directed. The stamina are

prepared in the same manner, consisting of ten filaments, and are placed

round the pistil. Pass the stalk through the centre of the corolla,

rendering it secure by pressing the fingers close to the flower

underneath. Finish off the flower by attaching five minute points of

green wax. After the pistil and stamina are drawn through the flower,

press the anther of each filament down to the corolla with the head of

the pin, and tip them with deep crimson.

