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The Fuchsia;

(FULGENS;) Good taste:

Will afford a pleasing variety to the flowers already described. Its

blossoms hang pendant like a tassel; it is both graceful in form, and

brilliant in colour: its construction is simple, being formed from two

patterns only. The smallest is cut in single lemon wax, the largest in

double wax, the same colour. The four points of the largest pattern are

tipped with green, and shaded of
with light scarlet towards the upper

part of the tube. It is not, however, entirely coloured until it is

made, as it is always difficult to unite a tube flower if it is painted

too close to the edge. The head of the curling pin is rolled up each

point upon the inside, and the tube formed with the handle of a brush,

joining the wax neatly upon one side. After it is united, it is again

painted with my scarlet powder and a small portion of the crimson.

The small or inner petals are coloured upon both sides with bright

crimson only. The head of a large curling pin is passed once down. The

stamina are cut from double lemon wax, a whip, as in muslin, being first

rolled to produce the anthers; these are touched with gum water, and,

while wet, dipped into cream colour powder, (produced by the combination

of my lemon and white.) The pistil is the same as the stamina, only that

it extends to a greater length: the stamina and pistil are shaded very

light scarlet. Cover a piece of fine wire, about four inches in length,

with light green wax, mould to the end a strip of lemon wax, to which

affix first the pistil and subsequently the stamina. Pass the wire

through the tube, and fix it firmly at the end; a narrow strip of double

light green wax placed once round the base of the tube completes the

whole. The buds are made solid, and formed similarly to the honeysuckle;

they are shaded green and scarlet, like the flower.

