The White Rose
(ROSE ALBA.) Silence.
Cut the petals from thin white wax. Tinge the lower part of the first
three sets of petals with my lemon powder. Cup all the petals with the
finger, turning the last or largest two rows back. Cut a few stamina in
lemon wax, with the edge rolled to form the anthers; colour them with
orange, and when quite dry, touch them occasionally with brown (crimson
powder and cake sepia). These s
amina are divided into clusters, eight
or ten filaments in each, and about five in number. Make a small
cone-shaped foundation; attach one cluster of stamina at the point. The
ten small petals are affixed round, turning in various directions, and
interspersed with the rest of the stamina. The whole of the remaining
petals are placed on five in a row, the last two turning back. Finish
off with calyx and seed cup, as in previous instruction. This rose is
peculiarly adapted for bridal bouquets; and I must here mention, while
alluding to the subject of bridal favours, that I made upwards of ten
thousand of these roses upon the happy occasion of Her Majesty's
marriage. It may afford some trivial amusement to my younger friends, to
relate the following anecdote, in connection with the event just alluded
to. About three years after Her Majesty was united to His Royal
Highness Prince Albert, a gentleman visited my establishment, and
inspected my specimens of flowers in wax with evident satisfaction. He
represented himself as being a great admirer of wax-work generally; and
stated, that he himself possessed a rare specimen, in fact, a perfect
bijou. He should wish me to see it. I, of course, expressed some
anxiety to behold such perfection of art; and accordingly, he sent his
footman with a small box, charged with strict orders to be particularly
careful in conveying the same. After removing sundry pieces of tissue
paper, and as many of wadding, my surprise may be easily imagined, when
I beheld one of the identical bouquets (white rose, orange blossom, and
myrtle, tied with white satin ribbon) that I had myself manufactured
upon the joyous occasion already alluded to. I am but human nature,
therefore, I hope I may be pardoned for expressing and feeling a certain
degree of vanity upon inspecting this Royal relic of my own hands;
still, I am not blind to the fact, that the happy occasion for which the
bouquet had been prepared, namely, the nuptials of our beloved
Sovereign, had materially enhanced its value to the possessor;--but I
will no longer digress from the leading feature of this work, but
commence the description of the formation of