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The Carnation

(DIANTHUS.) Pure Love.

"Yon bright carnation--once thy cheek

Bent o'er it in the bud;

And back it gives thy blushes meek

In one rejoicing flood!"

This may be made in three varieties. The flakes are striped with broad

bands of colour, the bizarres are striped with three colours, and the

picotees have a narrow margin of streaks and spots; they are all

/> painted with a sable brush. To enable the wax to take the fine pencil

marks, moisture from the lips must be conveyed with the finger to the

petal. Make the strokes or bands broad near the edge of the petal, and

gradually diminish them to a fine point towards the lower end. The

petals are curled as follows:--press each in the palm of the left hand,

and roll the head of the pin twice or three times down the painted side

of the petal, taking care to do so between, and not upon the stripes.

Roll the pin once up the back of the petal, commencing from the bottom,

and not extending the same above half-way up. Cover the stem with green

wax, and place the petals on in rows of five. The calyx is cut from

double wax (light green); it is in one piece, with five points. It is

shaded rather dark green in the centre, and the points tipped with red

(very faint.) It is passed round the tube of the flower; at the base of

the same affix six small pieces of wax, as scales.

The leaf is long and narrow, cut from double wax, and a fine wire

covered and placed between to support it. To give it the natural bloom,

pass it through the prepared arrowroot. The leaves are placed on the

stem two and two, to face each other, and a small piece of lemon wax

passed round, to represent the joint that is always visible in this


