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The Salvia Patens

Rich and Rare.

This flower is of so rich and lovely a hue, that for its colour alone it

deserves imitation. There are but few decidedly blue flowers, and I do

not myself know any one that approaches this for brilliancy; it is

however useful in consequence of its form being light and spray-like.

The petals require to be cut in double blue wax; the shape must be

produced previously to the colour being laid
n. Petals cut from pattern

No. 1, are much rolled with the pin and neatly united up the back. Take

a piece of middle size wire, with a small piece of wax secured at the

end, and pass it through the opening of the tube just formed. The under

or banner petal is formed by pressing it in the palm of the hand; turn

up the edges of the broad end of the petal, and turn down the edges of

the narrow part; at the same time I must mention that a small wire is

placed between this petal, by which it is affixed to its position. The

buds are formed in the same manner as the flower, with the exception of

the banner petal. The calyx consists of two points or sepals, attached

one under and the other opposite the tube. The whole is painted with

deep rich blue, produced by mixing cake smalt with the middle blue in

powder. They are mounted in a spray by placing buds and flowers down the

stem, two facing each other, and arranged alternate ways. A green leaf

is placed under each bud and blossom.


Unpretending excellence.

"In eastern lands they talk of flowers,

And they tell in a garland their loves and cares;

Each blossom that blooms in their garden bowers,

On its leaves a mystic language bears."


As the limits of this little work will not admit of my giving

instruction in more than one of these favourite flowers, I select the

variegated one, considering it the most difficult.

The petals require to be cut in thick wax; colour them upon both sides

with bright crimson, leaving white circular spots indiscriminately in

various parts of two petals out of every five. The largest petals are

formed by pressing the thumb very firmly upon the shining side, taking

care that the edge inclines back without any wrinkled appearance. A

crease is made up the centre upon the opposite side. Each set of petals

are painted and curled the same, but the smallest are folded together.

The stamina must be prepared from pale lemon wax, (cut double,) and the

anthers at the end tipped with orange powder to represent the farina;

they are cut into small clusters of seven or eight. Use the large

wire,--pass a piece of double wax, the width of a sheet, and half an

inch in depth, round the wire,--about half an inch deep; bend the wire

down, and mould the whole into a cone shape. Affix a small cluster of

stamina to the point, and in various directions the five smallest

petals; insert among these two or three clusters of the stamina. Place

in rows of five each succeeding set of petals, taking care in each row

to introduce about two of the variegated or spotted petals, allowing

such to be principally upon one side of the flower (and this may be

observed in nearly all flowers that are variegated.)

The calyx is cut from lemon wax, shaded green and also brown. The head

of the pin is rolled upon each to cup it: they are placed immediately

behind the flower in rows of three, each succeeding set in the

intervening spaces.

The stem is covered with a strip of light green wax, moulded smooth with

the thumb and finger, tinged brown with the brush.

