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Pink Geranium

(PELARGONIUM.) Preference.

Cut the petals in thick white wax; there are three narrow and two broad.

Mix a little white powder with some crimson, and paint all the petals

half way down lightly with this colour. The brush must contain but a

very small portion of colour, or it would dry rough. The broad petals

are afterwards coloured as follows:--first vein the lower ends with cake

smalt and crimson, using f
r the purpose a fine sable brush. Then take

a large brush, containing crimson alone, and form a large round spot,

gradually shading it off towards each edge. When thoroughly dry, apply

in the same manner the colour first used for veining, leaving a light

margin of the rose colour previously laid on. With a sable brush paint

some very faint pink veins, extending from the spot towards (but not

quite touching) the ends of the petals. Some dark veins are laid on the

spot also with crimson powder and cake sepia. The middle size wire is

necessary to support the flower. Commence its construction by affixing a

strip of white wax about an inch down the same; this is to represent the

pistillum. Five very fine points extend beyond the end of the wire,

these are previously snipped with the scissors; they are termed in

botany the stigma. At the base of the pistillum pass a strip of green

wax; this is the foundation to which the stamina and petals are to be

attached. The pistillum and stigma are painted entirely over with the

same colour previously used for veining. Cut five fine stamina in white

wax, to the points of each attach an anther, cut in deep orange wax.

They are placed across the end, and united by pressing them together

with the head of the curling pin. Curl the broad petals by laying the

painted side next the hand and pressing the thumb into its centre. Upon

the opposite side at the lower end of the petal indent and round it with

the point of the pin. The small petals are similarly curled, although it

is necessary to vary them a little according to taste; for upon

observing nature it will be found that there is no formality, in fact

scarcely two petals or two flowers are precisely the same upon a tree or

stem. Attach the stamina to the foundation, and then the two broad

petals; finally, the three narrowest are placed immediately under the

stamina. The calyx is cut from light green wax. The head of the pin is

to curl each previous to its being placed behind the petals. It is

shaded rather dark green towards the stem. Wash the calyx over with a

weak solution of gum water, and sprinkle it with down. In laying on the

latter do not touch it with the fingers, but throw it on from the

bottle, and shake off all that does not adhere.

