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Fidelity in misfortune.

"How oft doth an emblem-bud silently tell

What language could never speak half so well."

Cut from bright orange four wax petals for each blossom: colour the

edges, and vein each a rich brown (crimson powder and cake sepia). Press

the finger in the centre of every petal, for the purpose of giving a

crumpled appearance.

Use a piece of
iddle size wire; cover it with green wax, and affix to

the end four stamina, made in the following manner: Double along the end

of a sheet of lemon wax (a narrow fold); cut the stamina short and fine;

colour the ends with my lemon powder. Place the petals immediately

under; putting them on so as to form a square. The calyx is cut from

green wax passed round the tube of the flower, and coloured afterwards

with the same brush that has been used for the flower. The buds are made

of solid wax; some green, others orange; and painted with the rich brown

in various shades. In the largest buds, leave the orange points free

from paint, at the point peeping from beneath the dark calyx.

There cannot be a more natural looking flower than the last described,

if modelled neatly, and well in regard to colour; at the same time, I

must remind my pupils that none can look worse if badly executed.

Having now submitted what I consider a fair selection from spring

flowers, I will proceed to those which we may observe at a later period,

commencing with the rhododendron. This is one of a class of flowers

which I admire most particularly in nature, and also find extremely

useful in an artistic point of view. Its form is peculiarly eligible in

grouping, and its value increased from the fact, that it is cultivated

at the present time in such great varieties of shades and colours. I do

not know that I can experience a greater treat than to visit the

Botanical Gardens, Regent's Park, when their show of American plants is

on view; and I would recommend my pupils to devote some time to perfect

themselves in flowers that afford such great variety; and as instruction

as to the formation of one conveys the same for all, except as to

varying the colour, I do not feel that I could choose a more

advantageous specimen of floriculture for imitation.

