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(RESEDA ODORATA.) Unconscious Beauty.

It is a singular circumstance that in this country this fragrant

production of nature is known by a French name, the translation of which

is the "little darling," while in Paris it is only known by its Latin

appellation, reseda, (herb, or dock cresses); but I believe I am

correct in stating that its seeds were first conveyed into England from

Paris. It is not particul
rly difficult to form, but requires extremely

good sight, and a light touch in its construction. It is of course made

without a paper pattern, and I would recommend a natural flower always

to be taken as a copy. It is also necessary to be very particular as to

the lemon tint used, the orange, and the shade of green, for if the

flower is formed correctly, it still looks unnatural if these points are

not materially considered.

Take a sheet of lemon wax, very thin and not too new; cut directly from

the corner six or eight fine filaments, as pointed as possible; roll

them into a small cluster. It requires two clusters of this size, and

two others nearly the same, but shorter. Fold the end of a piece of

lemon wax, and snip (very short) a few stamina, which appear, when

coloured, like seed. The colour required is a sort of pinky orange, if I

may be allowed to use such a term; for which purpose I employ my second

orange, white, and a minute portion of crimson powder: of course it

requires some judgment as to the several quantities. Commence the

formation by attaching a small piece of green wax to the end of a stem

made from white wire, mould it round according to nature; under this

place the cluster of orange seeds, on the top a small portion of lemon

wax, and at each corner the largest cluster of lemon stamina; the

smaller clusters place at the corners and under the orange seeds. The

calyx consists of five very narrow strips of green wax, placed neatly

and regularly at the back of the flower. Cover the stem with very light

green wax.

